The AEC Marketeer: Highlighting People & Projects from the Built Environment, with Keelin Cox

Hosting a podcast brings optionality to your career. It can help you grow and cultivate a professional network of prospective clients, teaming partners, referral sources, and other strategic relationships. Having conversations with these people helps you get a real pulse on the industry, increasing your value and unlocking new kinds of opportunities.

This was the experience of Keelin Cox, host of the AEC Marketeer. Recently on Podcasting in Professional Services, Keelin shared her experience publishing more than 100 episodes since 2020. 

AEC Marketeer: A Solution for Networking Remotely

In 2020, Keelin Cox launched her podcast during a period of transition and transformation. Inspired by a lack of local Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) chapters and the desire to stay connected during COVID-19, Keelin set out to create a platform that provided access to industry knowledge and offered inspiration for AEC professionals. “The podcast became a way for me to maintain my professional identity and share valuable insights during a time when personal interactions were scarce,” Keelin recounts.

While the podcast was a great way to maintain her network remotely, Keelin’s main goal with the AEC Marketeer has always been to serve the industry. “The joy comes from knowing that listeners are gaining value and insights,” she adds. Although the podcast has not directly generated business, it has built valuable industry relationships potentially leading to future opportunities through networking.

Podcasting: A Constant Amidst a Changing Career and Personal Life

Keelin first launched her podcast during her role as a Senior Marketing Specialist at Stantec. “When I was in-house, the podcast gave me a way to be my own professional,” said Keelin. “Stantec is so well-known. I felt like it was easy to get lost in it a bit. And I just wanted to have good conversations with people outside of my firm in a way that wasn't threatening to the work that I was doing.”

Since then, Keelin became a mother and kept the podcast going during maternity leave. “Becoming a mom wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be. And I think the podcast really did me a solid there,” recounted Keelin. “I felt like I was still my own person. And I was able to have adult conversations, which was awesome.”

Keelin also credits the podcast in helping her make the transition from in-house to consultant. “I'm so grateful that this medium exists because it could have been a brutal transition from in-house to Consultant. I don't know if I even would have made that leap had it not been for the podcast.”

Adding Variety With ‘Book Report’ Monologue Episodes

Keelin's podcast goes beyond typical industry chat. With more than 100 episodes published, her show features book reports and career stories, aiming to engage not only AEC marketers but also engineers and architects. “One of my favorite things is to discuss books I’ve read and apply the lessons to our industry,” Keelin said. Episodes can range from single book reports to more complex topics that are split into multiple segments, such as her two-part discussion on "Never Split the Difference."

Despite her passion, Keelin admits to facing challenges in balancing solo episodes and interviews. “I feel more exposed doing solo episodes,” she notes. Her solution is to create a mixture that allows for both in-depth book reports and dynamic career stories, making the podcast appealing to a broad audience including those in technical roles.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Promotion

Marketing is critical for technical experts in AEC organizations. Keelin has leveraged platforms like LinkedIn for promoting her podcast. “I find LinkedIn particularly effective for our professional focus, and tagging guests helps us reach wider networks,” she explains. This strategy has grown her audience from a small circle of family and friends to a community of professionals eager to learn and network.

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    The Future of AEC Marketeer: What to Watch For

    Whether you’re an architect, engineer, contractor, or consultant, you’ll find value in Keelin’s AEC Marketeer podcast.

    Looking to the future, Keelin aims to keep the podcast inspiring by introducing new elements like project highlights and discussions on sustainability. She is also keen on sharing at least one monologue book report episode each quarter.

    Subscribe to the AEC Marketeer on Apple or Spotify. Connect with Keelin on LinkedIn (with a personalized note, of course).


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